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Renewable Energy Resources: Heat, Wind and Sun

Renewable Energy

There are many renewable energy resources in this world. Nature has bless us with many gifts. Geothermal energy, wind energy and solar energy are few of them. Yuri

How do you define geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy refers to heat in the earth. The term “geothermal” comes directly from Greek terms ge (earth) as well as therme (heat). The energy generated by geothermal is sustainable energy source since the heat produced is constantly generate within the earth. Geothermal energy is used for bathing, heating buildings, and to generate electricity.

Geothermal energy originates from deep in the earth. Radioactive decay is a slow process inside the earth’s core that is present throughout all rocks, generates geothermal energy.

The Earth comprises of four main layers or parts:

An inner core creates of solid iron, which is around 1,500 miles wide. A hot outer core magma, a rock that is molten, is around 1,500 miles thick. A magma mantle and rock that surrounds the core’s exterior that is around 1,800 miles in thickness

A solid rock crust that is the basis of the continents as well as the ocean floors. It’s about 15-35 miles wide beneath the continents, and up to 3 miles in the oceans.

Scientists have discovered that temperature of the Earth’s inner core is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit which is about as hot as surfaces of our sun. The mantle’s temperature ranges from 392 degrees Fahrenheit at the upper border with crust of the earth to around 7,230degF near the mantle-core border.

The crust of the earth is split into tectonic plates, which are essentially pieces of rock. Magma gets close to earth’s surface at those plates’ edges. This is the place where many volcanoes are found. The lava that is released from volcanoes is mainly magma. Water and rocks absorb heat from the magma that is deep beneath. The water and rocks that are deeper underground contain the greatest temperatures.

Wind: The energy from air moving

Wind is cause by the uneven warming on the surface of Earth from the sun. Because the surface of the earth is comprise of various kinds of land and water. It absorbs sun’s warmth at different speeds. An example of this is the wind’s cycle that occurs every day.

The wind cycle that occurs every day. In the morning, the air above the land is heat quicker than the air above water. The warm air above land expands and rises, while cooler, heavier air comes into its place which creates winds. In the evening, the winds are reverse as air cools faster on land than on water.

Comparable that those atmospheric wind gusts that travel around the earth’s surface are form. Because the land close to the equator of the earth is warmer than the areas near to the North Pole and the South Pole.

Wind energy to generate electricity

Nowadays most wind energy is utilize to produce electricity. Water-pumping windmills were once utilized across all the United States and some still operate on ranches and farms predominantly to supply water to livestock.

Solar energy

The sun has been producing energy for billions of years and is the source for all fuels and energy sources we utilize in the present. The sun’s rayons (solar radiation) for hundreds of years to provide warmth and drying fruits, meat, and other grains. As time passed, people invented methods to harness solar energy for heating and then convert it to electricity.

The collection and use of energy from solar thermal (heat) energy. A prime example of a solar energy storage instrument is the sun oven (a box design for collecting and absorption of sunlight). The 1830s were the time when British scientist John Herschel utilized a solar oven to cook food on his voyage to Africa. Today, people use a variety of techniques for capturing and converting sunlight into useful heat energy to serve a range of uses.

We make use of solar thermal energy systems for heating. Water to be used in structures, homes, or swimming pools. The interior of greenhouses, homes, and various other structures

High temperatures for fluids at solar thermal power plant. Solar photovoltaic systems convert sunlight into electricity.

PV Equipment

The solar photovoltaic (PV) equipment, also known as solar cells, convert light directly to electricity. Small PV cells be used to power watches, calculators, and other electronic gadgets that are small. The arrangement of many solar cells within PV panels as well as arrangements of several PV panels within PV arrays could generate energy for the entire home. Certain PV power plants are equip with huge arrays that cover a lot of acres and generate electricity for hundreds of houses.

Solar energy is a great source of energy, but it has some drawbacks. It can provide two main advantages:

  • The solar energy systems don’t create air pollution and carbon dioxide.
  • This solar power systems installed on buildings do not have any impact on the environmental.

Solar energy limitations:

Amount of sun light that reaches on the Earth’s surface isn’t always the same. There is an amount of sun that that is absorb by the earth varies according to the location, times of day, seasons during the time of year and even weather conditions. Yuri

It is estimate that the amount of sun hitting one square foot of Earth’s surface is comparatively small. Which is why a huge surface area is need for absorbing or storing an adequate amount of energy.

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