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Everything You Need To Know About Terrarium

The affinity towards nature has grown radically. Since the onset of COVID-19, individuals have started developing their interest in gardening. The guardian on MAY 21 reported,” Gardening trend that bloomed during a pandemic is here to stay”. Indoor plants bestow countless benefits. However, their maintenance is a tough assignment. The unremitting watering and organization require time. Amidst all the disarray, a terrarium in the home is a blessing. Not just does it qualify your love for nature, but effortless to maintain. Mounted in living rooms, bedrooms they look dazzling. Before you move further to buy one, check out everything in detail:

What is a Terrarium?

A terrarium is a sealed container designed for small plants. It accommodates miniature gardens, indoor plants, small insects etc. Used for ornamentation, it makes the walls alluring. In addition, it is ideal for plants that require different environments. The heat produced by the transparent containers is prolific for their intensification. Accommodating little water, they prevent the plants from over-drying. Moreover, the lights transmitting through it let photosynthesis take place. The undeniable advantage of low-maintenance makes them ideal for city dwellers.

Tad into Past

The first terrarium was designed in 1842 by a celebrated botanist Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward. Although the discovery was accidental, it gained prominence later. Err of leaving an insect into a glass jar ended up into a spore. The development not just gave us terrariums, but made the transportation of live plants convenient. Thanks to Ward, the plants travelled all over the British empire during that era.

Types of Terrariums

  • Open Terrarium- This type of terrarium is ideal for a wide variety of plants. Open containers effortlessly accommodate plants that require less water. Since they provide a dry environment, plants like succulents, cacti, aloe grow beautifully. Also, the overall humidity level is quite lower. However, they allow you to maintain humidity smoothly. For complete growth, they require more direct sunlight than indirect.
  • Closed Terrarium- Unlike open, closed containers has a lid to cover. The sealed environment produces more heat. Therefore, they are ideal for plants that require unswerving light. The constant supply of water allows moisture and dampness. Moreover, the condensed water vapours inside provide humidity. The inbuilt water cycle systems help to grow mosses, ferns and ivy. Mostly self-sufficient, they are relatively easier to maintain than open terrariums.
  • Succulent Terrarium- Succulents generally are thick leaves that contain water. They look stunning when planted. A succulent terrarium is filled with stones, pebbles and other ensembles. They are painless to design in homes with only a few requirements. By creating a perfect layer, they get to gear up to mount.
  • Hanging Terrarium- There is no viable alternative to hanging plants. They look sophisticated and make the surroundings greener. A hanging terrarium in the living room defines status. The embellished colourful pebbles and greenery make the onlookers stare.

Plants Ideal for Terrarium

  • Pothos- Although pothos looks ordinary in planters, terrariums elevate their beauty. The green leaves with white markings require indirect light and little water. They require regular pruning and are easy to propagate by rooting.
  • Pollyanna Vine- Also known as baby or angel tears, it is a low-growing plant. The creamy ivory flowers require bright light and consistent moisture. It grows intensely under the right conditions.
  • Button Fern-It is one of the most delicate plants having origins from New Zealand. The green leaves require weekly water and full shade.
  • Polka Dot Plant- Coming in wine, pink, and green shade this plant look alluring. The green leaves with markings require bright light and regular water in summers.
  • Creeping Fig- Being an alluring plant, it increases the beauty of the terrarium. The heart-shaped leaves require water and sunlight sporadically.
  • Friendship Plant- The varied leaves with deep craters grow taller up to 15 inches. Requiring moist soil and full to partial sun, they are ideal for terrariums.
  • Air Plant- Air plants blossom perfectly in terrariums. Self–sufficient, they require no soil and take nutrients from their leaves.
  • Starfish Flower Cacti- This band like leaves cactus change colours as per light. Unlike other cacti, it needs humidity. The star-shaped leaves look stunning. Growing slowly, they are well-suited in terrariums.

Certain Maintenance Tips

  • The low maintenance plants in terrariums require regular pruning. The brown and yellow leaves should be removed frequently to avoid any disease.
  • Monitoring open terrariums can save the plants from certain pests or mealy bugs.
  • Every terrarium mounted indoors requires direct light.


Wallmantra has a wide variety of terrariums that help you decorate your sspace wonderfully. The efficient quality and diverse styles craft a unique experience.

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