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Want To Write Plagiarism-Free Essays? Follow This Guide!

Plagiarism Free Essays

Essay writing may seem like a daunting task for many students and even professionals. In order to write an impressive essay, you need to be familiar with the topic, essay formats, and the right way to reference the sources. However, the most significant aspect of essay writing is ensuring “originality”. And, that’s something a lot of people struggle with. Writing a non-plagiarized essay is nothing less than a challenge. But, there’s nothing we can’t help you with! So, we have brought some tips for you to become a plagiarism free essay writer and achieve the highest scores!

What Is Plagiarism Academic Writing & Why You Must Avoid It?

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s ideas or work, intentionally or unintentionally, and presenting it as your own. Further, if you copy or paraphrase another writer’s published or unpublished work without acknowledgment, it is an act of plagiarism.

It is considered a serious offense in academic writing and makes you liable to punishment or some severe consequences. For instance, if you’re found committing an act of academic misconduct then you may fail or be expelled from the class. The most common everyday examples are collusion, cheating in examination, and forging the data or results.

Many students often use free essay writing software which isn’t reliable. As a result, they end up with low or zero scores. In fact, school and college committees can penalize students for recurrent cases of plagiarism which can even lead to termination from the course.

Therefore, everyone should learn the right way to approach an academic writing task and ensure plagiarism-free results.

Different Types Of Plagiarism In Academic Writing

If you’re a student then it’s important to know about the common types of plagiarism that you may encounter in your academic life.

  • Global Plagiarism: When you plagiarize the entire piece of write-up, it is categorized under global plagiarism. It includes buying essays or using free essay writing services and submitting them as your own.
  • Verbatim Plagiarism:It means directly duplicating or copying someone else’s words without quoting or citing or referencing.
  • Paraphrasing Plagiarism:It includes rephrasing someone else’s work or ideas and then presenting them as your own.
  • Patchwork Plagiarism:It means copying the passages, phrases, and ideas from multiple sources and then arranging them into a fresh write-up.
  • Self-Plagiarism:As the name suggests, converting the previous piece of work that you have submitted earlier.

Thus, a plagiarism-free essay writer could help you submit unique assignments, crafted directly from scratch.

Secret Tips For Students To Write Plagiarism-Free Essays

Tip #1: Inculcate The Habit Of Research 

It is impossible to write a successful, original essay without proper research on any subject. Looking for information from multiple credible sources is the best way to gather as much knowledge on a topic as you possibly can. It helps clarify the context and allows you to write high-quality, original content. When you’re well-informed about a topic, the mind starts coming up with the best ways to present those ideas and details on paper.

Moreover, it’s important to understand the information given in the sources well. Only then would you be able to write accurately and extensively on a topic.

Tip #2: Always Start With First Draft Copy

While working on your assignment, you should start with a draft copy. You don’t have to be very careful with the draft. See it as a rehearsal for your final shot; there are plenty of scopes to re-evaluate, revise and edit. The focus should be on brainstorming the ideas and noting down every piece of vital information.

There’s no need to worry about structuring and format rules. A professional plagiarism-free essay writer could guide you with this. Once you’re done writing the first draft, you may write another one if you feel the need. Moreover, the final copy has to be proofread and edited for flawless results.

Tip #3: Always Put Plagiarism Detection Tools Into Use

Instead of wasting your time on free essay writing software, you should start writing your own assignments. Even if you put all your efforts to craft a unique essay, there might still be chances of plagiarism. Hence, check the content using plagiarism detection tools to maintain the originality.

Students often use different sources to collect information on a topic. In this process, it’s natural to sometimes copy-paste the work unconsciously. Such situations are sure to land you into trouble. Here are some of the popular software to check plagiarism issues in a write-up:

  • Plagiarism checker
  • Quetext
  • Dupli Checker
  • Copyleaks
  • Plagiarism Hunt
  • Plagscan

What does plagiarism-detector software do?

  • They help trace the original source of the text.
  • They easily detect paraphrased sentences.
  • Provide insights for plagiarism percentage in the text.
  • Quickly check essays for duplicity issues.

Tip #4: Cite The Sources Correctly

Citation of sources is the most common and preferred way to avoid chances of plagiarism in academic writing. It basically means referring to other authors’ work along with a parenthetical citation. Simply put, citation enables you to communicate others’ thoughts and ideas in your own words. You then give credits to the original writer.

A certified plagiarism-free essay writer is professionally skilled in producing well-cited and referenced papers. The experts always follow your university’s guidelines for assured satisfactory and top-notch quality essays.

Tip #5: Use Quotation Marks

Quoting is another smart way used in academic writing to steer clear of accusations of plagiarism. It means, mentioning a part of a text in your essay from another source, and keeping it unchanged. All you need to do is put quotation marks at the beginning and at the end of the quoted text.

It is a helpful strategy while writing someone else’s views, or the original definition or meaning. However, it’s best to maintain a minimum percentage of quoted text in a write-up. Otherwise, the results would be low-quality.

Paraphrasing is a fairly better option in such cases. You could also hire a free essay writing specialist to rewrite or paraphrase your essays in the most impressive and well-structured way.

Wrapping Up

Plagiarism is unethical, disregarding, and unprofessional practice in academic writing. Hence, students must understand this and learn the right ways to avoid it at all costs. Academic integrity is the way to advance in your career and you cannot achieve it if you keep submitting copied assignments. So, learn our exclusive tips to keep plagiarism at bay and you will become a successful plagiarism-free essay writer soon! It’s the only way to improve your academic performance and score higher in your subjects. We hope you fount this post insightful!

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Writingmyessay.com is a Content Writer and passionate for writing and is keen to share her knowledge to help people further their online journey. When she's not busy writing, she likes to explore nature and go on adventures.
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